
Preschool is important to every child for a number of reasons.
Research shows that 90% of a child’s brain develops by the age of 5, and between the ages of 3 and 5 is when higher thinking skills are at their peak of development. Children who experience age-appropriate stimulation and learning opportunities from birth to age 5 are more highly developed than their peers who do not.
Having your child in a quality preschool environment will expose him or her to age-appropriate activities that will increase brain development, as well as teaching important socialization skills. What looks like play to adults is the most important learning a child can do. Even parents who stay home with their children might consider part-time preschool to take advantage of the training and resources preschool teachers have that can benefit the development of their children.
If you have concerns about the cost of private preschool, a scholarship may be available for your child.
Download scholarship guidelines here;
Find the application here to print, complete, and sign; or
Complete the online form here.
Applications are due August 9. Learn more by emailing
Flatwater Bank Early Learning Center
902 12th St. | Casey Madsen | (308) 351-5010 | 6 weeks to 13 years | M-F 6am-6pm
Preschool is taught in all full-time preschool and pre-k classrooms, with a part-time option taught by Taysia Holbein for families who don't need full-time care.
3-4 year old class - 8:15-11:00 a.m. (M/W)
4-5 year old class - 12:15-3:15 p.m. (M,W,F)
‣ GECLC member
‣ State Licensed
Little Learners Preschool
1512 Ave G (inside the American Lutheran Church) | Lori Kitzing | (308) 529-1045
Classes for preschool-age children, 3-5 year olds, to prepare them for kindergarten.
3-4 year old class - 9-11:30 a.m. (T,TH)
4-5 year old class - 9-11:30 a.m. (M,W,F)
‣ GECLC member
‣ State Licensed
OHANA Christian Preschool
520 9th St. | Shiloh Schultz | (308) 930-0269
“OHANA means family, and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.” -Lilo &Stitch
It is the mission of OHANA Christian Preschool to see that this quote is lived out not only within the walls of the preschool, but beyond. First and foremost, OHANA Christian preschool is exactly that, a Christian Preschool. Every day that students attend class, they will hear about Jesus, and His love for them through teacher-created Bible curriculum. At preschool, students will hear Bible stories and learn character traits, such as patience, thankfulness, or joy through Bible stories, poems, finger plays and songs. The "whole child" is nurtured in areas of physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual development. This program provides a Christian setting for informal teaching experiences, teacher-directed activities, and free play.
3/4 year old class - 8:30-10:30 am (M,W)
4/5 year old class - 12:30-3:00 pm (M,W) 8:30-11:00 am (F)
‣ GECLC member
‣ State Licensed
Head Start
828 Lake Ave. | Heather Schroeder | (308) 537-3676 |
3 to 5 years old
This free program serves children 3-5 years old for an hour and a half one day a week. This in-home program works with the parents to work with their children. With flexible scheduling, this program can serve children who are going to another preschool and may need a little extra help. Head Start uses the HELP curriculum, as well as setting goals with the families.